My Time in Detox
Hello, my name is Amianne, and I am a Facebook addict. (As if you didn't already know that). According to new research , I am not alone in my addiction. I think many of us are hooked on some form of social media or technology. Thanks to our handy-dandy smartphones, it has become WAY TOO EASY to constantly check email and/or our favorite social media site(s) while waiting in line at Wal-Mart. Many of us use social media to "creep"--to check up on others with only an occasional contribution to the Facebook/Twitter-Verse. Some of us are over-posters (ME!) who share every thought that comes into our heads (well, not EVERY thought--be glad for that). And others use social media to farm imaginary land and play games that clog our friends' news feeds (no judgement). Whatever your purpose for using Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Blogger/Tumblr/Instagram, the truth of the matter is that social media appeals to our basic humanness-- that need to feel connected with one anot...