NaNoWriMo: Here I Go...
NaNoWriMo--no, it's not some obnoxious Aggie yell. It stands for National Novel Writing Month, and it's an actual THING with a Facebook page and a hashtag . In the month of November, writers stop talking about that novel and actually start writing it. A whole novel. In a month. The hardcore NaNoWriMos follow a crazy calendar that will word count them to a 50,000 word novel by the end of November. And I'm going to DO THIS. I'm ALL IN. Seriously. This. Is. Happening. Well, sort of. Because I like my family, my job, and my sleep, I don't think I can commit to this count craziness. Not yet. But I am embracing the idea behind NaNoWriMo, which is this: And so that's what I intend to do. In January, I used this blog to make the shaky whisper of a confession that I am finally writing "THE BOOK." It started to take shape over the spring, mostly living inside my head, and this summer it morphed into a novel that actually lives on my computer. ...