The Follow Through

It was not an easy night at the Bailey casa. Some background: Our sweet Peyton has many gifts, but neatness is not one. She constantly leaves what I call "Pieces of Peyton" in her wake--hair clips, popcorn kernels, socks, a stack of Junie B. Jones books, a random Uno card. Because she is the baby of the family, and I've let go of some of my high-strung-neat-freak tendencies, she's gotten off pretty easy (don't judge me). But in the last year, I've realized that we are raising a borderline slob. So for the sake of her future college roommate, I decided it was time to get serious. We have been working with Peyton on cleaning up after herself over the past year, and it's become apparent that the girl is fully capable of being neat when she wants to be, but if she's not in the mood then she would rather not bother (it's kind of a theme with her). We've tried everything: sticker charts, jars of coins, taking away TV's two ste...