
Showing posts from 2019

Summer Stack: 2019 Edition

It's finally here... Summer. (Well, almost for the majority of my fellow teacher friends.) I realize that this part of the post is like all those pesky paragraphs before a recipe on Pinterest--when you just scroll past all of those words to get to the good stuff, and in this case--it's the book covers! So without further ado, here is my NINTH ANNUAL SUMMER READING LIST! (Click on the covers to link to Goodreads summaries.) THE POET X was my favorite book of 2018, and I've had Elizabeth Acevedo's highly anticipated second book sitting on the top of my TBR pile for a few weeks just waiting for the calendar to turn to June. My first official book of summer will be: Adult Fiction I will spend the majority of my summer reading adult fiction to take a break from my heavy diet of YA. These are some of the books that have caught my eye:                              ...