My 2019 Book Review

The first day of the New Year is one of my favorites; blank slate, new chapter, fresh start--whatever metaphor you want to use, I love the feeling of possibility and the focus on intention--until around January 24 when I backslide into the unhealthy habits I swore I'd conquer on January 1st. Being human is hard. But reading is a habit I always make time for--no matter how busy, how frazzled, how (insert excuse here...). I'm not a binge-reader (except of picture books to meet my Goodreads goal). I have never finished an entire novel in a day. I have a solid 20 minute attention span (thank you, internet 🙄). I have started putting my phone in another room if I want to do some focused reading because the temptation to scroll Facebook instead of keeping my actual Face in a Book is too great. All of this to say, I read in snippets of time. Probably 10-20 minutes a day--a little more on the weekends. And I have embraced the joy of audio books to make mundane tasks like cleaning...