
Showing posts from April, 2020

Rona Reads: What else are we going to do?

I've struggled to write over the past few weeks, which is hard for a word person. Full Disclosure: my journal is filled with questions and curse words and a lot of "BREATHE & BE" in various versions of handwriting; I can't untangle the uncertainty no matter how hard I try. So I'm giving myself grace and space. The words will come. Maybe this is a season to process rather than to produce. I don't have many words to offer right now, but I can offer a list of books to read to help pass this time. As most of you know, I love being book bossy and compiling lists of recommendations. I found this picture in January and loved it because it reflects the hunkering-down-nature of winter. Never in a million years did I think our lives would actually become this picture or that I would write a post about books to read during a Pandemic, but here we are. Yes, it's hard to focus sometimes, but I need to read every day to stay sane. Here are the books that ...