Rona Reads: What else are we going to do?
I've struggled to write over the past few weeks, which is hard for a word person. Full Disclosure: my journal is filled with questions and curse words and a lot of "BREATHE & BE" in various versions of handwriting; I can't untangle the uncertainty no matter how hard I try. So I'm giving myself grace and space. The words will come. Maybe this is a season to process rather than to produce.
I don't have many words to offer right now, but I can offer a list of books to read to help pass this time. As most of you know, I love being book bossy and compiling lists of recommendations. I found this picture in January and loved it because it reflects the hunkering-down-nature of winter. Never in a million years did I think our lives would actually become this picture or that I would write a post about books to read during a Pandemic, but here we are.
Yes, it's hard to focus sometimes, but I need to read every day to stay sane.
Here are the books that I'm slooooooowly reading now:
(Click on book covers to connect to Goodreads for a summary.)
- THE GRACE YEAR is THE HANDMAID'S TALE meets HUNGER GAMES with a side of THE CRUCIBLE--all in YA form. It is CHILLING and OH SO GOOD. Landry read it first and said, "MOM. READ. THIS." (I'm proud to have instilled a bit of book bossiness in my daughter.)
- I've been working my way way through Kendi's HOW TO BE AN ANTIRACIST for the past two months. It's a hard, heavy read but also a MUST for all of us. If you aren't in the right head space for it right now, add it to your list for whenever life gets back to "normal," but don't put it off because of discomfort.
- UNTAMED is my daily dose of therapy. I listen to the audiobook while I walk (G's voice is my balm right now) and then come home and underline all of the fire in my physical copy. Reese Witherspoon just named UNTAMED the April selection for her book club. This is the book for such a time as this. READ. IT.
Books I've Recently Read and Recommend:
- THE GIVER OF STARS is my favorite book that I've read in 2020. FAN-freaking-TASTIC!
- I read MONDAY'S NOT COMING with my Book Club kids. Disturbing and necessary.
- I listened to the audio version of TRY SOFTER. It's like therapy, and every word matters.
Click here to see my post of recommended reads from 2019.
Books in my TBR Pile: A Mix of Adult and Young Adult:
Need More Lists?
Click here for my Summer 2019 recommendations.
Click here for a really great list of "100 Books to Read While Stuck at Home"compiled by USA Today.
Click here for Reese Witherspoon's Book Club picks. I'm super-impressed with her selections!
Upcoming Book Releases I'm Excited About:
THE BALLAD OF SONGS AND SNAKES by Suzanne Collins: Release date May 19
FIERCE, FREE, And FULL OF FIRE by Jen Hatmaker: Release date April 21
AFTERLIFE by Julia Alvarez: Release date April 7
IT'S NOT ALL DOWNHILL FROM HERE by Terry McMillan: Out now! Released on March 31!
IT'S NOT ALL DOWNHILL FROM HERE by Terry McMillan: Out now! Released on March 31!
If you haven't listened to Brene Brown's newly launched podcast, "Unlocking Us", please do your soul a favor and listen. Episode 4 on Comparative Suffering, the 50/50 Myth, and Settling the Ball helped me turn a corner in dealing with this crazy time in my own life. Here is the link:
I've made it my life's mission to push books into the hands of as many people as possible because I believe that books can save us. So many people tell me, "Well, I want to read, but I don't have the time..." Well, guess what--TIME IS ON OUR SIDE now. So I challenge all of us to set aside 30 minutes of our day to read. Do this with your families, too. It is a non-negotiable in our house that we all read for at least thirty minutes a day. Parents, if you want your kids to be readers, they need to see you reading, too. That's the way it works. Here is the thing: READING IS GOOD FOR OUR PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH.
Thirty Minutes of Reading a Day can:
Thirty Minutes of Reading a Day can:
- reduce stress.
- help us sleep better.
- stave off Alzheimer's Disease.
- boost brainpower.
And I'm not making this up. I've got SOURCES to prove it:
Also, listening to audiobooks (aka "reading with your ears" is NOT cheating!) So if you are a person who struggles with reading a physical book, audiobooks are legit reading! Here are two interesting articles that support this:
I believe there are lessons to be learned during this global crisis. Maybe we can emerge from this time of social isolation more connected than ever because of the stories that sustained us. Reading builds empathy, and empathy is in short supply in our world. So turn off Netflix; stop the mindless scrolling; close your laptop. For thirty minutes a day. That's it. Lose yourself in someone else's story.
Stay at home.
Wash your hands.
Stay at home.
Wash your hands.
Stay safe, friends ❤
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