I started working on my Summer Reading List! Click here for a sneak peek on Goodreads. Lots of Chick Lit and YA (my two faves). I can't wait for the long, lazy days that I get to spend with one of these books...
I've struggled to write over the past few weeks, which is hard for a word person. Full Disclosure: my journal is filled with questions and curse words and a lot of "BREATHE & BE" in various versions of handwriting; I can't untangle the uncertainty no matter how hard I try. So I'm giving myself grace and space. The words will come. Maybe this is a season to process rather than to produce. I don't have many words to offer right now, but I can offer a list of books to read to help pass this time. As most of you know, I love being book bossy and compiling lists of recommendations. I found this picture in January and loved it because it reflects the hunkering-down-nature of winter. Never in a million years did I think our lives would actually become this picture or that I would write a post about books to read during a Pandemic, but here we are. Yes, it's hard to focus sometimes, but I need to read every day to stay sane. Here are the books that ...
We blinked, and it's August. It's time for the excitement and anxiety to start creeping in. It's time to kiss our husbands goodbye and say, " See you in December!" It's time to become a pseudo-single mom. It's football season in Texas. As coaches' wives, we know the truth: football season never really ends. Those famed lights darken; the games stop, but off-season becomes spring football becomes 7-on-7 becomes summer conditioning camp becomes August. And here we are. Another August. We are ready. We are hopeful. We are undefeated. Everyone is undefeated in August. People think they know our world because they love Texas high school football. They see us sitting in the stands on Friday nights proudly wearing our team colors--some of us bedazzled (I don't bedazzle). They watched Friday Night Lights and think we are all Tami Taylor, who made it look so easy. (We all secretly worship her for it.) But I am not Tami Taylor. No...
I love Jesus. It is my deepest hope that this comes as no surprise to anyone. I love gay people--straight people, too. I love Chic-Fil-A. I would bathe in CFA sauce if I could. But yesterday a line was drawn in the Chic-Fil-A parking lot. Until last week, I didn't know that I had to choose a side. The fact that many people feel compelled to "pick a side" in this debate represents so much that is wrong with our world today. We live in a polarized culture fueled by cable TV news channels, the internet, and social media. Are you a Democrat or a Republican? Are you Conservative or Liberal? Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob? There seems to be no middle ground left in America, and our politicians prove this point with their inabilty to compromise--each side refusing to give an inch for fear that they will appear weak, or Heaven forbid, Moderate. Our politicians are not the only ones guilty of this deep need to pick a team. Facebook and Twitter make it too easy to fire off our...
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